

Buenos días!

A continuación la corrección del ejercicio 1 Pag 82 de Natural Science.

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Before we eat something, we use our senses to find about it. We use our sense of smell, which sends messages throug our olfactory nerve to our brain. This tells us if it smells good or not. We also use our sense of sight to tell us if it is the right colour, shape or size.

This waffle looks strange becaus it is blue and waffles aren't blue, so our brains reject this food. Our brain is is protecting us because a lot of food that has gone bad and has mould is blue, so our brain tells us no to eat it.

What about blueberries? This is the natural colour of this fruit and our sense of sight sends messages to our brain saying it's OK to eat. We eat the blueberries and our sense of taste tells us if they are sweet, sour, bitter or salty. If we like the taste, our brain receives this message through our gustatory nerve and our musculoskeletal system allows us to pick up another one and eat it!

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